The Artist Camilla Vavik Pedersen lives and works in Norway. As an engineer and painter, she Camilla is fascinated by both the world of “science and mathematics” and the world of “shape and colors”, and the combinations of these. Over the last 25 years you have taken several art courses in different painting and drawing techniques. Her pictorial research is present in the international contemporary art market.

Giovanna Laura Adreani, art director of the Mentana Gallery, has the pleasure of following the path of Camilla, an artist of great creative depth, and of promoting her works in the contemporary art circuit, certain of the positive feedback.

The artist has been the protagonist of exhibitions in Norway, France, England and Italy and is permanently represented by the Galleria Mentana in Florence.


         – 2024, February: Oppdal Kulturhus, Norway, solo exhibition

        – 2023, September: GalleriNora, Oslo, solo exhibition

        – 2022, October: Galleria d’Arte Mentana, Firenze, solo exhibition

        – 2021, April: solo exhibition, Malvik, Norway

        – 2020-2024: Several collective exhibitions in Norway

        – 2019, Summer: Galleri A, Oslo, collective exhibition

        – 2019, February: Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York, collective exhibition

  • 2018 August: Galleri Kanalen, Trondheim, collective exhibition

  • 2018 May: The Royal Opera Arcade Gallery, London, collective exhibition (presentetd by Galleria d’Arte Mentana)

  • 2018: Galleria d’Arte Mentana Florence, several collective exhibitions in the periode January -October

  • 2018 January: ‘Contemporary Art Fair, Art 3f Paris’, collective exhibition

  • 2017 October: Florence Biennale, Italy

  • 2016: Dromedar Kaffebar, Trondheim, separate exhibition

  • 2014 & 2013: Trondheim Art Union, collective exhibition

  • 2012: Oppdal Kulturhus, Oppdal, separate exhibition

The works of Camilla Vavik Pedersen are an inner journey, and even if they originate from the sphere of fantasy, they finally fall into reality and into the study of places in our psyche. Her storytelling evokes feelings related to the realm of mystery and mysticism: there is a careful research of allegories of arcana, leading you to immerse yourself in the memories of narrations in order to attain the harmony of things and life. Thus, at dawn greeting the night, the hopes take on a harmonious character that hovers in the lightness of the symbols of the spirits to take refuge in the secrets of the imagination. Colors suggestive of early dawn settle in vortices of nebulae which make dreams dance away in the freedom of subtle nuances giving shape to ideas. The rising morning lights, illuminating the architecture of time, restore the poetry of balance as they descend to the calming white that lightens the freedom of expression which has found a way to tell the ego. The heavy tones are softened up to uncover the traces of memory along paths never really forgotten, leading to the spirit. The moments are caught as they fly by: in the desires that lead far, in lines meeting the blue of seas that invite to an introspective journey. An intense atmosphere arises, and the abodes of the soul, knowing the times gone by, reveal themselves in the certainties that find their space in the emotions.

Le opere di Camilla Vavik Pedersen sono un percorso interiore che, pur trovando origine nella sfera della fantasia, si calano nella realtà e nello studio di luoghi della psiche. Il suo racconto evoca sensazioni che sanno di mistico e misterioso: di ricerca accurata di allegorie di arcani che portano a immergersi nei ricordi di narrazioni per giungere all’armonia delle cose e del vivere. Così, all’alba, che saluta la notte, le speranze prendono carattere di sinfonia che si libra nella levità dei simboli dello spirito per rifugiarsi nelle segrete dell’immaginazione. Evocazioni dei colori delle aurore si soffermano in vortici di nebulose che fanno danzare i sogni che si allontanano nella libertà di tenui sfumature che danno forma alle idee. Le luci che albeggiano, illuminando le architetture del tempo, ricercano la poesia dell’equilibrio, digradano sino ai caliginosi bianchi che rischiarano la libertà espressiva che ha trovato la via per raccontare l’Io. I toni grevi si stemperano fino ai segni della memoria che s’inoltra in percorsi mai dimenticati per trovare le tracce che conducono allo spirito. I momenti vengono fissati in voli: in desideri che portano lontano, in tratti che incontrano gli azzurri di mari che invitano a un viaggio introspettivo. Le atmosfere si fanno intense e i luoghi dell’animo, che sanno del tempo andato, si palesano adagiandosi nelle certezze che trovano spazio nelle emozioni.

Federica Murgia.










L’Artista Camilla è rappresentata per l’Italia dalla Galleria d’Arte Mentana di Firenze.

Camilla Vavik Pedersen, Contact Information:

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